Faculty and Staff
Madhuri Mulekar | Professor and Department Chair
Selection and Ranking Procedures, Sequential Estimation and Testing Procedures, and Statistics Education.
MSPB 304 | 251-460-6391 | mmulekar@southalabama.edu
Andrei Pavelescu | Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Group Theory, Graph Theory
MSPB 438 | 251-341-3096 (6-3121) | andreipavelescu@southalabama.edu
Jamie Adams | Senior Instructor and Assistant to the Chair
MSPB 311 | 251-460-7210 | adams@southalabama.edu
Gayan Abeynanda | Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Partial Differential Equations, Resonance, Spectral Theory
MSPB 308 | 251-460-6756 | gsabeynanda@southalabama.edu
Full-time Faculty
Gayan Abeynanda | Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Partial Differential Equations, Resonance, Spectral Theory
MSPB 308 | 251-460-6756 | gsabeynanda@southalabama.edu
Jamie Adams | Senior Instructor and Assistant to the Chair
MSPB 311 | 251-460-7210 | adams@southalabama.edu
Sarah Allred | Assistant Professor
Graph Theory
MSPB 421 | 251-460-1642 | sarahallred@southalabama.edu
Olivia Atutey | Assistant Professor
Variable/Feature Selection, Nonparametric Statistics, and Statistical Inference
MSPB 470 | 251-460-7568 | oatutey@southalabama.edu
H. Frazier Bindele | Associate Professor
Nonparametric Statistics, Robust Statistical Methods
MSPB 316 | 251-460-7294 | hbindele@southalabama.edu
Audi Byrne | Associate Professor
Math Modeling, Mathematical Biology
MSPB 424 | 251-460-7256 | abyrne@southalabama.edu
Sridevi Chilukuri | Instructor
MSPB 467 | 251-460-1908 | schilukuri@southalabama.edu
Steven Clontz | Associate Professor
General Topology, Cyberinfrastructure of Academia, Math Outreach
MSPB 314 | 251-460-6757 | sclontz@southalabama.edu
Mark Colarusso | Associate Professor
Lie Theory, Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory, Integrable Systems, Poisson Geometry.
MSPB 476 | 251-460-7501 | mcolarusso@southalabama.edu
Jacob Dasinger | Senior Instructor
Mathematics Education, Attribution Theory, Student Success
MSPB 451 | 251-460-7308 | jdasinger@southalabama.edu
Joanna Furno | Assistant Professor
Dynamical Systems
MSPB 423 | 251-460-7162 | jfurno@southalabama.edu
Kevin Grace | Assistant Professor
Matroid Theory, Graph Theory
MSPB 306 | 251-341-3094 (6-3120) | kevingrace@southalabama.edu
Jeffery Mudrock | Assistant Professor
Combinatorics, Graph Theory
MSPB 317 | 251-461-1505 |
Madhuri Mulekar | Professor and Department Chair
Selection and Ranking Procedures, Sequential Estimation and Testing Procedures, and Statistics Education.
MSPB 304 | 251-460-6391 | mmulekar@southalabama.edu
Andrei Pavelescu | Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Group Theory, Graph Theory
MSPB 438 | 251-341-3096 (6-3121) | andreipavelescu@southalabama.edu
Elena Pavelescu | Associate Professor
Geometric Topology and Spatial Graphs
MSPB 312 | 251-460-7332 | elenapavelescu@southalabama.edu
Nelita Pereira De Andrade | Instructor and Instructional Lab Supervisor
ASC 1305-B | 251-460-7386 | ncpereiradeandrade@southalabama.edu
Ruchira Perera | Assistant Professor
Partial Differential Equations, Bloch Spectrum of Phononic Materials
MSPB 471 | 251-460-7512 | ruchiraperera@southalabama.edu
Cornelius Pillen | Professor
Modular Representations of Finite Groups, Algebraic Groups, Lie Algebras and Related Matters
MSPB 303 | 251-460-7293 | pillen@southalabama.edu
Paramahansa Pramanik | Assistant Professor
Probability and Stochastic Processes, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Differential Games, Mathematical Biology
MSPB 453 | 251-341-3098 (Internal 6-3098) | ppramanik@southalabama.edu
Vasiliy Prokhorov | Professor
Approximation Theory
MSPB 422 | 251-460-6758 | prokhoro@southalabama.edu
Armin Straub | Associate Professor
Number Theory, Special Functions, Combinatorics, Symbolic Computation
MSPB 313 | 251-460-7262 | straub@southalabama.edu
Laurie Waites | Instructor
MSPB 466 | 251-460-7703 | laurelinwaites@southalabama.edu
Sheila Wattier | Senior Instructor
ASC 1305-J | 251-461-1399 | srwattier@southalabama.edu
Arik Wilbert | Assistant Professor
Geometric and Combinatorial Representation Theory, Categorification, TQFT
MSPB 474 | 251-460-6752 | wilbert@southalabama.edu
Part-time Faculty
Shared Office: MSPB 474 | 251-460-7349
Ben Barnard (benbarnard@southalabama.edu)
Kristal Webb (kwebb@southalabama.edu)
Ramsey Willis (rwillis@southalabama.edu)
Faculty Emeriti
Dan Silver | Professor Emeritus
Knot Theory, Combinatorial Group Theory, Dynamical Systems