Transfer Tips | Pathway USA

Transfer Tips

Being prepared to transfer is all about being organized and knowledgeable.  Like with most things, having a well thought out plan, based on research, will help you be successful.  Between Pathway USA, your two year college advisor and academic support resources on both campuses, all the assistance you need to create a great plan is out there!

Pathway USA can help you with most of these steps!

▼   Be sure you are in the correct academic program
  • Transfer degrees offered at the two year college level are the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science.
  • Consult with an advisor to be sure you are in the correct program to position you to transfer at the completion of your degree.
  • The Associate in Applied Science degree is not a transfer degree.
    • The AAS degree includes very few transferable General Education courses.  There is no guarantee that AAS courses will transfer to South.
▼   Research majors early
  • Visit career services on your college campus.
  • Determine what you are good at and what you will enjoy in a career.
  • Find out what bachelor's degree requirements are for your preferred major.
    • Are there prerequisite courses and GPA requirements?
▼   Start off with and maintain a strong GPA
▼   Take the correct courses

Don't waste time and money taking classes that will not help you toward your degree.  Don't lose credit for classes that either don't transfer or transfer but do not apply to your major.  The Pathway USA Advisor, along with your college advisor, can help.

  • For students in Alabama, check the Alabama Transfer Guides for your chosen major.
▼   Have a plan
An academic plan is a semester by semester list of classes that you will take.  It is based in large part on important course sequencing.  The plan might change many times, but having a solid plan to begin with is extremely helpful. Talk to your college advisor and the Pathway Advisor early to begin designing a plan.  This academic plan is yours and must meet your goals.  Play an active part in creating a plan that works for you.
▼   Get started in math and science courses ASAP
This is often unpopular with students but...  starting in math and science courses as soon as possible, especially if entering a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) field is a must.  These major courses build on the intro courses.  If you delay taking the intro courses, you will be delayed getting into the major courses.
▼   Get organized and stay organized
  • Start a file or notebook to keep all your transfer information in one place.
  • When you email or speak to anyone with questions, get their names and keep notes or the email.
▼   Understand your decisions
Consult with an advisor prior to making any academic decisions such as dropping a course, changing programs, etc., and inform the advisor and faculty immediately whenever a serious problem disrupts your ability to attend class or perform your best work.
▼   Get help when you need it

Familiarize yourself with the academic assistance offered through Pathway USA

▼   Visit and tour South 
The more familiar you are with campus, the more comfortable you will be.  Plan to come do a tour and meet with someone in your intended academic major area.
▼   Determine your timetable and plan ahead
  • When will you complete your AA or AS degree?
  • When do you plan to transfer?
  • When do you need to apply to South?
  • When do you need to apply for Financial Aid?
  • When do you need to apply for scholarships?
  • What other important deadlines are out there?