Stat 355 syllabus
Nonparametric Statistical Methods
Course description: Distribution-free analysis of location and scale measures, nonparametric treatment of fundamental statistical designs, nonparametric comparison procedures, association and contingency table analysis, nonparametric goodness-of fit procedures, and tests for randomness, nonparametric regression and other measures of association, computer intensive statistical methods. Computer Lab fee.
Prerequisites: ST 210 Minimum Grade of D or ST 315 Minimum Grade of D or ST 320 Minimum Grade of D.
Suggested Textbook: Nonparametric Statistical Methods Using R by John Kloke and Joseph W. McKean, First Edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series
Learning outcomes: Upon the successful completion of the course a student will:
know alternative methodologies to existing and non-existing statistical methods, including
distribution-free and robust procedures
know various non-parametric statistical methods
apply non-parametric statistical methods to solve a wide variety of statistical problems