Math 267 syllabus
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Course Description: This course is an introduction to discrete mathematics for students majoring in
computer-related areas. Students will be introduced to concepts and methods that are
essential to theoretical computer science. A strong emphasis is placed on mathematical
reasoning and proofs. Topics include sets, functions, induction, recursion, combinatorics
and graphs. Students must have sufficient mathematics placement exam score.
Prerequisites: ACT Math 23 or MyMathTest 080 or MA 113 Minimum Grade of C or MA 115
Minimum Grade of C.
Textbook: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications by Rosen, McGraw-Hill, 8th edition with Connect access code.
Coverage: Selected sections of Chapters 1-10 as time permits
Learning Objectives:
Learning the mathematical concepts and methods that are essential to theoretical computer
science. Objects of study include sets, strings, functions and graphs. Methods include
induction and recursion with an introduction to closed form solutions.