Creating a Proposal
Now that you’ve identified potential funding sources, it’s time to organize your ideas and create a plan. Use these resources to assist you in drafting your proposal.
Developing a proposal
- Read through the guidelines to determine eligibility to serve as a principal investigator and review the Principal Investigator Responsibilities.
- Reach out to your College Grants Administrator for assistance.
- Review Roles and Responsibilities.
- Find the University of South Alabama’s institutional information needed in proposals.
- Review the University of South Alabama’s External Proposal Submission Policy for submitting a proposal.
- Review university guidance to determine if your proposal may contain Controlled Unclassified Information.
- Find and complete forms here.
- Learn more about establishing a Service Center
- Review the definition of a Sponsored Project (PDF).
Finding Partnerships
Connect with the Office of Commercialization and Industry Collaboration (OCIC) for commercializing discoveries and creating industrial partnerships.
Training and Development
Register for these upcoming training and development events.
Registering for access to proposal submission portals
Consult the funding opportunity RFP for instructions on how the proposal must be submitted.
For the following agency portals, researchers initiate the registration process and the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) completes the registration. Start the registration process at least 10 days before the proposal due date.
For the following agency portals, SPA initiates the registration process. Complete a request form to begin registration with ample time to complete the proposal forms and upload project information into the system. SPA generally responds to registration requests within one business day.
- Cayuse 424 federal grant submission
- Cayuse user manual
- Cayuse FAQ
- NIH eRA Commons
Some RFPs require PIs to use other portals or submit directly by mail or email.
For help understanding an RFP, contact your College Grant Administrator or the Office of Sponsored Projects.
Preparing a budget
General budget information & services
- Guidance on preparing a budget.
- Locate the budget forms and templates needed to guide you in the process.
- Review SPA Basic Budgeting Tutorial Slides and Budget Terminology.
Building a budget
- Find the updated fringe benefit rates.
- Look through the IDC rates.
- Determine what IDC Rate to use for your proposal.
- Need F&A Waiver Guidance or to complete an F&A waiver form?
- Peruse the university’s guidance on unallowable costs for federal funds.
- Read through the Cost Sharing Policy.
- Review Subaward Procedures.
- Need an Agreement Checklist or Subrecipient Commitment Form?
- Check off items on the subrecipient vs. contractor determination checklist.
- Verify subrecipient information on the FDP Clearinghouse.
- Review the university’s Subrecipient Monitoring Policy.
Who can help
Contact the Office of Sponsored Programs Administration or your Unit Grant Administrator.
Policies and guidelines
Search the policies and guidelines surrounding research at the University of South Alabama.
Learn More About:
Financial Conflict of Interest
Submitting an Animal Use Protocol
Submitting an Invention Disclosure