Planning Your Registration

Student smiling looking at laptop


Steps to Register for Classes

For additional information, please contact the Office of the Registrar. New students should contact the Office of Admissions. Students who have questions concerning fees or tuition should contact the Office of Student Accounting. 

Planning Your Registration

▼   Academic Advising

Advising requirements vary by college and major. Check with your department to determine your advising requirements. 

See Academic Advising for details.

▼   Check Eligibility/Status

To Register for classes each semester, students:

  • Must be academically eligible (not suspended or dismissed),
  • Must have an eligible student status (admitted, readmitted, or continuing),
  • Must not have any holds that would prevent registration, and
  • Must have a time ticket specifying registration time for the upcoming semester

This information is available on PAWS.

Time Tickets

  • You will see one of the following messages
    • Time tickets allow registration at this time. Please register within these times.
    • As of this time, your Registration Time Ticket has not been assigned
  • Students who do not have a time ticket should contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance.

Note: Each line is a separate time frame with a specific beginning and ending date and time. Registration transactions (adds, drops, etc.) must be completed before the end time for each time frame, otherwise the transaction will be lost. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the registration/drop periods associated with your time ticket. 

Holds Status

  • One of the following messages will display:
    • You have no holds which prevent registration.
    • You have holds which prevent your registration.
  • If you have holds, click the 'View Holds' link at the bottom of the page to view the holds on your record. You must clear the holds before registering.


Academic Status

  • One of the following messages will display:
    • Your Academic Status permits registration.
    • Your Academic Status prevents registration.
  • Contact the Office of the Registrar if you have questions regarding your academic status.


Student Status

  • One of the following messages will display:
    • Your Student Status permits registration.
    • Your Student Status prevents registration.
  • Contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance if your student status prevents registration.

If these four items permit registration and if you have met your advising requirements, you are eligible to register.

See Registration Procedures to register for classes.

▼   Class Schedule Planner

Summer Course Registration Planner

Class Periods Full Term Short Term
  Monday - Friday Monday - Friday
Period 1 8:00 - 8:55 8:00 - 9:55
Period 2 9:10 - 10:05 10:20 - 12:15
Period 3 10:20 - 11:15 12:40 - 2:35
Period 4 11:30 - 12:25 3:00 - 4:55
Period 5 12:40 - 1:35  
Period 6 1:50 - 2:45  
Period 7 3:00 - 3:55  
Period 8 4:10 - 5:05  

Fall/Spring Course Registration Planner

Class Periods Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Period 1 7:00 8:00 7:00 8:00 7:00
Period 2 8:00   8:00   8:00
Period 3 9:05 9:30 9:05 9:30 9:05
Period 4 10:10   10:10   10:10
Period 5 11:15 11:00 11:15 11:00 11:15
Period 6 12:20 12:30 12:20 12:30 12:20
Period 7 1:25 2:00 1:25 2:00 1:25
Period 8 2:30   2:30   2:30
Period 9 3:35 3:30 3:35 3:30 3:35
Period 10 4:40   4:40   4:40
▼   How will my class be taught?

Instructional Methods:

  • Blended Course (Blended Section):  Online + 16% to 84% face-to-face
  • Web-Enhanced Course (Face-to-Face Section):  At least 85% instruction face-to-face. Does not include cohort model attendance.
  • Online Course (Fully Online Section):  At least 85% online and, generally, with no scheduled class times.
  • No Web Component Course:  No web activities
  • Traditional:  College of Medicine
▼   Check for Holds

Holds on student accounts are placed and cleared by various University offices. Some holds prevent registration and must be cleared by the sponsoring office or department before the student is permitted to register. Students who are changing their major should make a request to the new major department to remove any advising block placed on their account by the prior department.

Holds that prevent registration will also prevent dropping courses. Students who have registration holds must contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance with dropping a course.

Click here to view a list of possible holds and whom to contact for assistance.

▼   What is a Registration Time Ticket?

A time ticket is an individually assigned time frame that indicates when a student is eligible to register. Each semester, you will be assigned a time ticket that specifies when you can access PAWS to register for the approaching semester. You must have a time ticket to register or drop classes. Please note: During the Drop Period, you cannot add classes. Refer to the Academic Calendar to find out when time tickets will be posted to students' PAWS accounts. If you do not receive a time ticket, contact Registration, (251) 460-6251. 

Note: Some students will not automatically receive a time ticket.

Candidates for graduation: If you applied for graduation, you will not receive a time ticket for the semester after your anticipated graduation. If you are a candidate for graduation and need to register for classes for the semester after your anticipated graduation, contact a graduation specialist in the Office of the Registrar for assistance.

Transient students: If you are attending USA as a transient student, you will not receive a time ticket for the next semester unless you are accepted for readmission for that semester. This requires that you submit an application for readmission to the Office of Admissions. See Readmission for more details.

Inactive students: If you were suspended or dismissed from the University, or if you have not attended for three or more consecutive semesters, you will not receive a time ticket for the next semester unless you are accepted for readmission for that semester. This requires that you submit an application for readmission to the Office of Admissions. See Readmission for more details.

New students who have not been officially admitted: If you are a new student, you will not be assigned a time ticket until after you have been officially admitted to the University by the Office of Admissions. Please contact the Office of Admissions for more information.

To find your time ticket:

  • Login to your PAWS account
  • Select "Student Services & Financial Aid"
  • Select "Records"
  • Select "Registration Notices"
  • Look for "Time Tickets" in the list of options. Your time ticket will be listed just below those words.

Note: Each line is a separate time frame with specific beginning and ending dates and times. Registration transactions (adds, drops, etc.) must be completed before the end time for each time frame, or the transaction will be lost.

▼   When Do I Register?

 Registration Dates and Times for Summer 2025

Registration time tickets are determined based upon the University of South Alabama Registration Policy. 

Date Time Group
April 7 9:00 am Graduate Students
April 7 12:00 pm Seniors enrolled in the Honors College
April 8 12:00 pm Seniors with  greater than 121 hours
April 8 3:00 pm Seniors with greater than 90 hours
April 9 12:00 pm Juniors enrolled in the Honors College
April 10 12:00 pm Juniors
April 11 12:00 pm Sophomores enrolled in the Honors College
April 14 12:00 pm Sophomores
April 15 12:00 pm Freshman enrolled in the Honors College
April 16 12:00 pm Freshman
April 16 3:00 pm Start South
April 18 9:00 am Pathway
April 18 12:00 pm Unclassified/Non Degree
April 28 9:00 am  New Graduate
April 28 12:00 pm  New Non Degree
April 22 9:00 am New Freshman/Transfer

   Time tickets will remain open from the first day of registration until 10:00 p.m. on the last day of registration.


 Registration Dates and Times for Fall 2025

Registration time tickets are determined based upon the University of South Alabama Registration Policy. 

Date Time Group
April 7 9:00 am Graduate Students
April 7 12:00 pm Seniors enrolled in the Honors College
April 8 12:00 pm Seniors with  greater than 121 hours
April 8 3:00 pm Seniors with greater than 90 hours
April 9 12:00 pm Juniors enrolled in the Honors College
April 10 12:00 pm Juniors
April 11 12:00 pm Sophomores enrolled in the Honors College
April 14 12:00 pm Sophomores
April 15 12:00 pm Freshman enrolled in the Honors College
April 16 12:00 pm Freshman
April 16 3:00 pm Start South
April 18 9:00 am Pathway
April 18 12:00 pm Unclassified/Non Degree
April 22 9:00 am  New Freshman/Transfer
May 13 12:00 pm  New Graduate
May 13 9:00 am New Non Degree

   Time tickets will remain open from the first day of registration until 10:00 p.m. on the last day of registration.

Revised 02/14/2025