Community Advisory Board

Is there gun violence in your community?
Have you carried a gun because you were worried about your safety?
Have you been a victim of gun violence or are you close to someone who was injured by a gun?

If you answered YES to any of the questions, we want you!

Join the Project GRIP Community Advisory Board

Gun violence is a major problem in the Mobile area, with violent crimes almost twice as high as the national average. Gun violence hurts young Black men more than any other group. We need your help and advice.

University of South Alabama faculty researchers have received a $1.8 million federal grant to collaborate with gun owners in devising strategies to reduce injury and death. The Project GRIP (gun-related injury prevention) research team is working to understand people’s attitudes, behaviors, and practices around guns. If we understand how people think about and use guns, we can work to help to end gun violence in our community.

We are recruiting community members to be part of our Community Advisory Board for this project. Members would agree to monthly meetings to provide their advice, insight, and feedback on the project. Members will be given $25 an hour for their time, and refreshments will be served at every meeting.

How to Join

Contact us at for more information.

Sign-up to be interviewed