Application for Admission


Application for Admission

The University of South Alabama

FIN 425 Student Managed Investment Fund
We accept applications continually. However, in order to be eligible for the fund, your application must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the first day of class for the desired semester.
In order to be eligible for the fund a student must have successfully completed FIN 420 Investments or an approved substitute course with a grade of at least B. Any student that has successfully completed both FIN 420 Investments and FIN 421 Portfolio Management will receive extra consideration. Any students who is currently enrolled in these courses may be accepted to the fund contingent on earning the required grades.
This Application Must Be Completed by All Applicants :

List your total undergraduate credit hours in the following areas of study:






List your total graduate credit hours in the following areas of study:





Anticipated/Actual Completion Date of FIN 420 Investments:

Finance/Investments-Related Internships?:

Current Overall GPA at USA

Previous Degree(s):

Please answer the following questions. Limit your response to no more than 100 words per question:

Resume and Writing Research

Please email Dr. Chris M. Lawrey - - a copy of your current RESUME and a sample of your WRITING/RESEARCH from a project you completed for class or work.