Dr. Elizabeth Rivenbark
- B.A. Colby College, Waterville, Maine
- M.A. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- Ph.D. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Elizabeth Rivenbark has taught Art History at the University of South Alabama since 2007. During her tenure at USA, Dr. Rivenbark has taught the Survey of Art, Art History II, Contemporary Art, American Art, Native American Art, Women in Art, and Methodologies of Art History among others. She has published essays on American art in the nineteenth through twenty-first century with special interests in the areas of war imagery and the body in contemporary art. Her recent publications have appeared in War, Literature, and the Arts, Artibus et Historiae, and the Women’s Art Journal. She is co-editor of and contributor to the anthology Binding the Absent Body in Medieval and Modern Art (Routledge, 2017).
- “Shades of Gray: The Postmodern Portraits of Romaine Brooks and the Slippage of Gender Representation” Women’s Art Journal, Vol.44, No.1 (Spring/Summer, 2023), 35-42.
- “Romaine Brooks’ La France Croisée: Allegory, Androgyny, and Appropriation,” In Margaret Hutchison and Steven Trout, Eds. Portraits of Remembrance: Painting, Memory, and the First World War. (Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 2020), 46-60.
- Co-editor with Emily Kelley, Binding the Absent Body in Medieval and Modern Art: Abject, Virtual, and Alternate Bodies. (London; New York: Routledge, 2017)
- “Cloth as a Sign of the Absent Body in American Sculpture from the 1960s,” Binding the Absent Body in Medieval and Modern Art: Abject, Virtual, and Alternate Bodies. Ed. Emily Kelley and Elizabeth Richards Rivenbark. (London; New York: Routledge, 2017)
- “The End of Innocence: The Effects of the Civil War on Children in the Paintings of Eastman Johnson” War, Literature, and the Arts, vol. 26, (2014) n.p.
- “Corporeal Furnishings in the Sixties: Furniture as Art and Its Intimacy with the Body,” Artibus et Historiae, vol. 69 (2014), 275-288.
- “Martha Rosler and Mary Kelly: Materializing Blame,” Women’s Art Journal, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 2012), 3-10.
- “Rauschenberg’s Religion: Between Art and Life,” SECAC Review, vol. XVI, No. 1, (2012), 39-48.
- “Domestic Ritual in the Art of Anne Wilson,” Visualizing Rituals: Critical Analysis of Art and Ritual Practice, ed. Julia Werts (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006), 76-82.
- ARH100 Survey of Art
- ARH123 Art History II
- ARH290 Art and Architecture of the Ancient Americas
- ARH340 Early Modern Art
- ARH344 Contemporary Art
- ARH345 American Art
- ARH348 Native American Art
- ARH390 Special Topics: Fabrics in American Art
- ARH480 Women in Art
- ARH493 Methodologies of Art History