Quilting as an Art Form | Library Art Galleries

Quilting as an Art Form

Quilting as an Art Form
Quilting as an Art Form
Quilting as an Art Form

Mobile - An exhibit by the Azalea City Art Quilters is being showcased at the University of South Alabama Marx Library from March 2-April 30th, 2016. The quilts are on display in the Mary Elizabeth and Charles Bernard Rodning Gallery of Art on the third floor of the Marx Library.

Art quilting utilizes fabric, stitching, paint, and other embellishments as a means of creative expression to produce works of art as opposed to producing a functional quilt. Art quilters enjoy expanding the traditional boundaries of what defines a quilt, and employ a variety of techniques including piecing, appliqué, painting, hand and machine stitching, fusing, and embellishing. This exhibit includes both individual and group projects in a variety of artistic styles. Members participating include Susan Ames, Barbara Bayer, Melinda Bounds, Nina Clotfelter, Carolyn Courson, Denise Daniels, Tish Fisackerly, Anne Godwin, Nancy Goodman, Barbara Groseclose, Patricia Hagler, Nancy Lancaster, MaryAnn Logdson, Janet McCurley, Susan Mogan, Annette Oliver, Ann Singleton, Patsy Starkey, Shawn Sumrall, Gail Terrell, Wilma Toney, Elaine Williams, and Mary Gale Woolford.

The Azalea City Art Quilters (AZAQ) are all members of the Azalea City Quilters' Guild (ACQG), which is a nonprofit organization that was established in 1980. Its purpose is to promote the appreciation of quilting, while members develop their skills and learn new techniques. Members share an interest in the art of quilting and have joined together to educate the public about this beautiful American art form. The Guild members exemplify a vast array of talents and skill levels. Several ACQG members have been published in various quilt-related publications and have taught around the Southeast. Members have also entered their work in area, national, and international shows. For more information about either AZAQ or ACQG please contact Susan Mogan at (251) 458-0246 or smogan1@comcast.net or visit http://azaleacityquiltersguild.com/.