Services and Pricing | USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility

Services and Pricing


Investigators with an approved USA-IRB protocol have the option of requesting storing of biospecimens and any associated clinical information in the USA Health Biobank.

Activity Rate
Storage¹ $20.00 per month, billed every 6 months.

No charge
$15.00/biospecimen – Quality control assessment provided

¹Up to 2 years.  After that, biospecimens will be released from their intended protocol and moved to general inventory, becoming then available to all users. 


Specific Investigator-Directed Biospecimens & Clinical Trials

The USA Health Biobank will work with investigators to collect, process, and store biospecimens for their particular IRB
protocol or their clinical trial.

Activity Rate
Tissue $15.00/biospecimen + miles outside of limits²
Fresh tissue $35.00/biospecimen + miles outside of limits²
Blood, urine, other fluids $10.00 + miles outside of limits²
Fresh, frozen or fixed tissues³

$15.00/biospecimen – Initial preparation method

$5.00/biospecimen – subsequent preparation method for same biospecimen

Serum $8.00/biospecimen
Plasma $8.00/biospecimen
Frozen PBMC $30.00/biospecimen

²Outside of USA Health System
³With quality control assessment and copy of de-identified pathology report


Dissemination of Biospecimens from the USA Health Biobank¹

These are biospecimens brought to the USA Health Biobank from surgery or clinical visits, for storage and dissemination to qualified USA basic and clinical investigators. 

Type Rate
Stored tissue $15.00/unit
Stored blood, blood components, other fluids $8.00/unit
Fresh tissue $30.00/unit²
Fresh blood, blood components, other fluids $10.00/unit²

¹1 unit = approximately 5 mm3 tissue or up to 500 µl fluid volume
²Maximum fresh tissue/fluid charge is 2 units, regardless of the amount of tissue/fluid provided


Dissemination of Cell Lines¹

Name Tissue/Disease/Cell type Species Rate
7603830 Lung fibroblasts P/B Sq. monk $400.00/vial
104C1 Fetal fibroblasts Guinea Pig $396.00/vial
4C10 bPRL Mab Mouse $400.00/vial
51KO MEF Fibroblasts Mouse $400.00/vial
52KO MEF Fibroblasts Mouse $400.00/vial
5G2 bPRL Mab Mouse $400.00/vial
6F11 PRL Mab Mouse $400.00/vial
A549 Lung epithelial Human $260.00/vial
AG07100 Skin fibroblasts Lemur $400.00/vial
Ag653 Myeloma Mouse $200.00/vial
Alpha T3 cells Pituitary Mouse $400.00/vial
AR42J Pancreas Rat $260.00/vial
AtT-20/D16 Pituitary tumor Mouse $260.00/vial
B95-8 B-lymphoblasts Cotton-top tamarin $500.00/vial
BE(2)-M17 Neuroblastoma Human $332.00/vial
CHO Ovary epithelium Hamster $260.00/vial
ConA-B1-VICK T-Lymphoblast Chicken $396.00/vial
COS-7 Kidney fibroblast Af G. monk $260.00/vial
CV-1 Kidney African Gr Monkey $260.00/vial
DPSO114/74 Lung fibroblast P Sq. monk $300.00/vial
DU 145 Prostate Human $260.00/vial
ETB B lymphoblasts Emperor Tamarin $400.00/vial
FF1 FKBP51 Mab Mouse $400.00/vial
Flp-In Jurkat cells T lymphocytes Human $1163.00/vial
GH4C1 Sommatomammotroph Rat $332.00/vial
GSML B lymphoblasts G Sq. monk $316.00/vial
HEK293 Embryo kidney Human $260.00/vial
HEK293-h51 Embryonic kidney Human $400.00/vial
HEK293-sm51 Embryonic kidney Human $400.00/vial
HeLa Cervical cancer Human $431.00/vial
HepG2 Liver cancer Human $255.00/vial
Hi51A FKBP51 Mab Mouse $400.00/vial
Hi51B FKBP51 Mab Mouse $400.00/vial
Hi51C FKBP51 Mab Mouse $400.00/vial
Hi51E FKBP51 Mab Mouse $400.00/vial
Hi52B FKBP52 Mab Mouse $400.00/vial
Hi52C FKBP52 Mab Mouse $400.00/vial
Hi52C FKBP52 Mab Mouse $400.00/vial
HL B-lymphoblasts Human $400.00/vial
HT-22 Hippocampus Mouse $400.00/vial
HT-29 Colon cancer Human $260.00/vial
JAR Choriocarcinoma Human $260.00/vial
JEG-3 Choriocarcinoma Human $260.00/vial
JH-4 Lung Guinea Pig $284.00/vial
Jurkat WT T lymphocytes Human $260.00/vial
L929 Connective tissue Mouse $260.00/vial
LbetaT2 Gonadotroph Mouse $400.00/vial
LCL-8664 B-lymphoblasts Rhesus monk $332.00/vial
MCF7 Breast cancer Human $260.00/vial
MDA PCa Prostate cancer Human $260.00/vial
MLA-144 T-lymphocytes Gibbon $400.00/vial
Nb2 Lymphoma Rat $420.00/vial
NCTC 929 L cells Connective tissue Mouse $260.00/vial
NIH3T3 Embryo fibroblasts Mouse $260.00/vial
NRK49F Kidney fibroblast Rat $260.00/vial
OMK kidney Owl monkey $332.00/vial
OML B lymphoblasts Owl monkey $396.00/vial
PC12 A12 PC12 cell strain Rat $400.00/vial
PC12 A123.7 PKA-deficient pheo Rat $400.00/vial
PC12 A126.1 PKA-deficient pheo Rat $400.00/vial
PC12 A37 PC12 cell strain Rat $400.00/vial
PC12 AB-11 PKA-deficient pheo Rat $400.00/vial
PC12 WT Pheo Rat $260.00/vial
PC-3 Prostate cancer Human $260.00/vial
Rat2 Fibroblast Rat $260.00/vial
SH-SY5Y Bone; marrow; neuroblastoma Human $260.00/vial
SLB B lymphoblasts Silver Langur $400.00/vial
SML B lymphoblasts B Sq. monk $396.00/vial
SMS-KAN Neuroblastoma Human $400.00/vial
SN56 Cholinergic septal neuronal Mouse $400.00/vial
SQMK-FP Kidney epithelial B Sq. monk $396.00/vial
SqMkLu/68 Lung fibroblasts B Sq. monk $500.00/vial
T47-D Breast cancer Human $260.00/vial
Wi-38 VA13 Lung fibroblasts Human $260.00/vial
WT MEF Fibroblasts Mouse $260.00/vial

¹Cell lines are stored in liquid nitrogen and are provided in a vial. Cells have not been tested for mycoplasma. By buying a cell line, the user assumes the responsibility to perform a Mycoplasma test and is asked to report the results to the USA Health Biobank.


Histology Services

Name Usa Fee External Fee
Paraffin Histology    
Tissue processing and embedding $3.00/biospecimen $6.00/biospecimen
H&E stained slide (serial sections) $5.00/slide $10.00/slide

Routine unstained slide (serial sections):

1 to 5 slides
Additional slides





Tissue curls for RNA/DNA extraction $8.00/tube $16.00/tube
Block re-cut/facing $2.00/block $4.00/block
Frozen Histology    
O.C.T tissue embedding $2.00/biospecimen $10.00/biospecimen
H&E stained slide (serial sections) $3.00/slide $2.50/slide

Unstained slide (serial sections):

1 to 5 slides
Additional slides





Block re-cut/facing $2.00/block $4.00/block
Special non-routine mounting section/procedure $2.00/slide $4.00/slide
Sectioning per levels (from FFPE or O.C.T. blocks)    
First level $3.00/block $6.00/block
Subsequent levels $2.00/level/block $4.00/level/block
Decalcification $6.00/biospecimen $12.00/biospecimen
Special stains    
Periodic Acid-Schiff, Oil Red O, Picro Sirus Red, Luxol Fast Blue, Acid-Fast bacillus stain, Massons trichome, Bielschowski, Silver, VVG, Amyloid stain, etc. ($25.00 + 2% kit cost) per slide up to 10 slides
($10.00 + 2% kit cost) per slide up to 25 slides
($25.00 + 4% kit cost) per slide up to 10 slides
($10.00 + 4% kit cost) per slide up to 25 slides
Established protocol and validation (researcher provides primary Ab and positive/negative controls slides or FFPE block) $18.00/slide $36.00/slide
Antibody protocol development (up to 20 slides/Ab; researcher provides primary Ab and positive/negative controls slides or FFPE block) $150.00/antibody $250.00/antibody
Positive/Negative control $20.00/slide $40.00/slide
Slide box    
100 slides $30.00/box $60.00
25 slides $20.00/box $40.00
5 slides $5.00/box $10.00


Molecular Services

Name USA Rate External Rate
From frozen tissue $15.00/sample $30.00/sample
From FFPE section $20.00/sample $40.00/sample
From frozen tissue $10.00/sample $20.00/sample
From FFPE section $15.00/sample $30.00/sample
Microfluidic UV/VIS spectrophotometer (QIAxpert) $50.00 up to 16 samples $80.00 up to 16 samples
Integrity Assessment    
Sensitive and high-resolution capillary electrophoresis (QIAxcel Advanced) $3.00/sample $6.00/sample


Additional Services

Activity USA Rate External Rate
FFPE block/slide retrieval from archive $50.00/hour $100.00/hour
Other technical assistance $47.00/hour $94.00/hour
Administrative assistance (IRB paperwork, pathology report searches, etc) $47.00/hour $94.00/hour
Chart review $100.00/hour $200.00/hour
Review and interpretation of slides by pathologist $100.00/hour $200.00/hour
Tissue homogenization (TissueLyser II) $10.00 up to 48 samples $20.00 up to 48 samples


Requesting Stored Biospecimens, Delivering Biospecimens, and Histology