PASSAGE USA Transition Initiative

PASSAGE USA Graduates in front of Southpaw statue.


Part of the PASSAGE USA project is the Transition Initiative. The Transition Initiative aims to make the special education process clear to parents so that they can be active, engaged, and knowledgeable participants in all of their children’s individualized education meetings, especially those focused on transitioning from school to adulthood. In addition, the Transition Initiative provides the resources to make transition as seamless as possible. 

The Transition Initiative offers workshops for teachers on facilitating academic, PSE, independent living, employment skills, and outcomes for students with ID through SARIC; hosts the Postsecondary Education Preview (PEP) Overnight Summer Camp; provides individual consultations to parents, students, and districts around the IEP process and PSE, independent living skills, and employment access skills; and can attend local school and system based transition fairs.

Furthermore, the Transition Initiative will gladly bring students from PASSAGE USA to local high schools to meet students with ID and share their PSE, independent living, and integrated competitive employment experiences.  

Lastly, the Transition Initiative is currently planning its first annual PASSAGE USA Open House.  Watch this page for more details.

Please contact if you are interested in any of these services.  

Contact if you are interested in a Zoom or a face-to-face meeting for your class, your parents, or yourself to discuss transition or PASSAGE USA, a Zoom or a face-to-face class to address Self-Determination, or additional Transition resources.

The links below are for people with disabilities, their families, and their teachers. 


Important Links

This project is funded by grants from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Post- Secondary Education Grant # P407A150076 and P407A200064.