David C. Forbes
- B.S. University of Florida, Chemistry, 1989
- Ph.D. University of Illinois, Chemistry, 1996
- Post Doctoral Fellowship, Trinity University, Chemistry, 1997
- Post Doctoral Fellowship, University of Arizona, Chemistry, 1998
All of my synergistic activities as a professor in the chemical sciences have served to build an ideal platform for my professional development. My research program lies primarily in the area of synthetic organic chemistry. A large component is dedicated toward the development of new methods involving the stereoselective construction of medicinally important compounds. The success of the program is heavily dependent upon the involvement of motivated and talented undergraduate students. Our research activities are in the area of asymmetric catalysis and synthetic methodology. There is a heavy emphasis toward the development of new methods in the stereoselective synthesis of organic compounds. In terms of the significance and importance of our research efforts, each project's long-term goal is toward the production of chiral molecules of high biological and medicinal importance. Our research program is a blend of both applied and basic research. The capstone experience is focused on chirality.
Teaching Philosophy
As faculty in academic institutions, our primary instructional responsibilities are to equip and empower our students. By making effective teaching and learning a priority, a faculty member ensures that students will obtain the skills necessary to succeed upon graduation. Concurrent with one’s instructional responsibilities is the pursuit of one’s scholarly activities. As a synthetic organic chemist, my scholarly activity is research. I believe that excellence can only be achieved when effectively coupling the two. Accordingly, the introduction of research to students - their direct interaction with the unknown and unexplored - provides a unique and valuable experience rarely available outside the walls of an institution of higher education. Research offers the student an individualized hands-on experience that, when paired with an effective classroom experience, offers a truly enriched educational environment.
Published Works
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